Sonus Maris; the concert!

The Sonus Maris concert was developed in collaboration with the New Music Collective (UNSW) as an elaboration of the original data-derived monophonic musical scores.

In terms of objectives, the original plan was to create an audio-visual work for the International Conference of Coastal Engineers, which was duly held at the Sydney International Conference Centre in early December 2022. Sonus Maris_V1 featured on four giant screens in front of a large and appreciative audience of international scientists and environmentalists; a job well done, one might think!

However, en route to this event, the project morphed into a comprehensive solo exhibition with two data projection works and a host of contextual information; again, job done?

But of course, lurking just around the corner, another ‘creeping feature,‘ this time in the guise of a collaboration with the New Music Collective and the creation of a new work for the eight-piece ensemble, that recently made a debut at the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) Sydney and for Earth Day, at the Creative Performance Lab (UNSW).

Oh, then there is the monograph and of course the mix-down of the concert recordings. “Life goes on.” as they say!

Watch (and Listen) to this space!