Tag: interactive new media
Talking Stick
Attentive Listening is not something that many of us allow ourselves the time to do, dominated as we are by a constant flow of visual information, and so mindful of the demands of the clock. But listening, rather than simply hearing, is an ever-present gateway to hidden worlds of detail and narrative; always close at…
Syren for Port Jackson
Syren for Port Jackson plied the waters of Sydney Harbour, delivering a unique location-sensitive, immersive audio experience aboard the M.V. Regal. The Syren project is part of the AudioNomad R+D project ~ a collaboration between the Artist Nigel Helyer and the Scientists Daniel Woo and Chris Rizos of the University of New South Wales. The…
Swarm is the latest development of a series of interactive Theremin-based sound sculptures (see ‘Ariel’, ‘Caliban’s Children’ and ‘Quint de Loup’). ‘Swarm’ is conceived to operate outdoors and is the first of the series to be solar-powered ~ the work is installed in the Werribee Mansion Park as part of the Helen Lermpriere Sculpture Award.…
What Survives
L]otus is a commission for an environmental audio sculpture that is moored in the lake at ECU’s Joondalup campus. Left – Visualisation image, right – Lotus on-site and talking poetry. “Lotus” is a development of my previous solar-powered environmental audio works and is directly based upon the functional components of “Haiku” but here deployed within…
Magnus Opus
Monsanto may have stolen the Native Medicines Novalis may own your cell-line and Microsoft may have locked up all the picture archives. But we’ve got your number! Visit Magnus Opus
AudioNomad + Syren
[dropcap character=”T”]he Audio Nomad project is an exciting development in Australian Research and Development that combines the skills and talents of Artists with those of Scientists in an imaginative collaboration that is developing technologies to support and deliver creative public sound-art events. Our specific interests are in location sensitive, mobile audio systems that generate immersive…
Between June 2004 and February 2005 Nigel Helyer worked as an Artist in Residence at the Paul Scherrer Institut, one of Switzerland’s largest research laboratories. The Following is extracted from the Institut publication ‘Aktuell’. How might an Artist approach the Paul Scherrer Institut, which by any standards, is a complex intellectual and social organism? My…
The lab floating in Oslo fjord. LifeBoat is a prosaic title indicating both the physical reality (the project is contained within a fully weatherproofed ship’s lifeboat) and somewhat more conceptually, as the lifeboat has become home to a Biotechnology lab; a home to the processes of life itself. On a metaphorical level, this project is…