Tag: arts and science

  • The Sound of Place; Environmental Artworks at Bundanon.

    The Sound of Place; Environmental Artworks at Bundanon.

    This essay by Nigel Helyer and John Potts listens to the sound of place: of Bundanon, a three thousand acre property in the Shoalhaven river valley in rural NSW, Australia. Bundanon is today an artists’ colony and education centre, following the gift to the Australian people in 1993 of the entire property—including homestead, artist studio…

  • A Dissimulation of Birds

    A Dissimulation of Birds

    Our capacity to communicate, and more so our ability to sing is directly related to our intimate evolutionary relationship with the acoustic genius of birds. Our species has internalised and evolved the trills and warbles of birdsong to form language and music. A Dissimulation of Birds pays homage to the virtuosity of our feathered friends…

  • The Biological Mixer

    By Sarah Moss. Dr Nigel Helyer, also known as Dr Sonique, has a fascination with data sonifications.  “I’ve done quite a lot of projects where I build a really big audio library, maybe in certain categories,” he said. “It might be environmental sounds, local music, aural history archival sounds or from early radio in that…

  • CultCult – audio illumination from the Ocean

    All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea – whether it is to sail…

  • BioPod

    The BioPods project was developed for the Bundanon Trust annual Siteworks 2014 festival but is also the debut project of When Art meets Science a three year ARC (Australian Research Council) project conducted between the artist and cultural and environmental researchers at Macquarie University; with The Bundanon Trust and the Australia Council for the Arts…

  • Eine Kleine GeneMusiK

    GeneMusiK rides Again! <scroll to the end of this page for new stuff> The GeneMusiK project had its origins in 2003 during a three-month Artist in Residence hosted by the SymbioticA lab at the University of Western Australia.  At that time I worked in the Department of Agricultural Sciences with Dr Gary Cass on the…

  • Architecture for Bees; Bees for Architecture

    Architecture for Bees and Bees for Architecture is a three day workshop at the Kaisanemi Botanical Gardens, Helsinki, Finland offered by Australian artist Dr. Nigel Helyer as part of the ongoing Melliferopolis urban bee project. Architecture for Bees and Bees for Architecture is a project that considers the architectural capacities and potentials of colonial bees…

  • Float like a Butterfly; Sting like a Bee


  • BeeWork



  • CrayVox