Month: October 2007

  • A Night out in NokiaTown

    A Nomadic Ear treatment

  • The Nomadic Ear

    The Nomadic Ear. Sonography, Cartography and the design of Sonic Narratives for Non-Linear Experience. Preamble; getting immersed. In discussing Immersive Environments we find ourselves at the mercy of a phalanx of aqueous meta-phors, saturated in an inescapable lexicon that engulfs our senses, saturating our frames in the fluid medium of sound.  So be it; let…

  • Gran Tourismo

    This article originally appeared in RealTime Edition 81, Oct/Nov 2007 and is reproduced here with the permission of the writer and RealTime A Cultural Travelogue of the big shows in Europa 2007.

  • Sculpture in the Vineyards

    [dropcap character=”A”] new work “Transformer” has been installed at the UnderCliff Vineyard in Wollembi alongside “Spinner” which remains in-situ from last year. [dropcap character=”M”]y approach to the sonic domain has always been informed by a Sculptor’s perspective which emphasises the experiential nature of sounds, linking them to the dynamic, material events that produce them and situating…